Dermoid and Sebaceous Cyst Removal
Important information:
Dermoid and sebaceous cysts are soft bumps under the skin. A sebaceous cyst is filled with fatty or oily fluid. It can be found anywhere on the body. It could become infected, so it needs to be surgically removed.
A dermoid cyst is a slow growing mass most often found on the scalp, face (next to or below the eyebrow) or the neck. A CT scan or MRI may be necessary to determine how deep the cyst is and its exact location. Dermoid cysts will continue to grow so they need to be surgically removed.
Your child will be asleep under anesthesia during the procedure. A small incision will be made to remove the cyst. The area will be closed with stitches under the skin that do not need to be removed. Before the surgery is over, we will put medicine in the site to make the incision numb and help to decrease pain right after surgery. Your child will go to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to wake up. Most children go home the same day as their surgery.
Patient instructions:
Before surgery
Do not give your child medicine that contains aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil®, Nuprin®, Motrin®) for two weeks before surgery. They may cause the body not to form the appropriate clots needed for healing.
After surgery
Your child may have pain or be fussy after the surgery. Acetaminophen (Tylenol®, Panadol®, Tempra®) or ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) can be given as needed for pain. Follow the dosage instructions on the label.
Your child may shower 24 hours after surgery. Your child should not soak in the tub. No swimming for 1 week.
Your child will be offered something to drink in the PACU when they are ready. At home, we suggest eating a light meal first. If that meal goes well, your child may return to their regular diet.
Please limit your child’s activity for 24 hours after surgery. Your child may return to school and all play activities the day after the operation.
Incision care
Your child’s surgical incision may be closed with:
Absorbable sutures and Dermabond™
Dermabond is liquid glue applied to a closed incision at the end of the operation. It is waterproof and holds the wound edges together.
Your child should avoid scratching, rubbing, or picking at the incision, as it may loosen the Dermabond before the incision has healed.
Do not apply antibiotic ointment or Vaseline to Dermabond as it may loosen or dissolve the glue.
Dermabond will gradually loosen over 5-10 days.
In most cases, your surgeon will also use absorbable sutures underneath the skin to provide additional strength to the wound closure.
Steri-Strips™ (paper tape reinforced with thread)
Steri-Strips will stick to the incision for about 7-14 days before loosening.
Do not pull them off before they loosen on their own.
Steri-Strips may get wet but avoid scrubbing over them.
Do not apply lotion or ointment to the incision while the strips are in place.
If a rash or blisters develop, your child’s skin might be sensitive to an adhesive (benzoin, Mastisol®, or Dermabond) that was applied to the skin before placing the Steri-Strips. These adhesives help Steri-Strips stick better. If this occurs, call our office at 215-590-2208 for advice. We may suggest using an adhesive remover to relieve the rash.
Gauze dressings
The surgeon may allow you to remove the dressing on the day after the surgery.
Your child may be allowed to bathe or shower 24-48 hours after the procedure, after the dressing has been removed.
If you can see your child’s sutures, you may be asked to apply antibiotic ointment lightly to the incision, once or twice a day, to reduce crusting and make suture removal easier.
Your surgeon will decide when you need an appointment for suture removal. They may allow you to remove the sutures at home.
Sometimes the absorbable sutures work themselves through the skin and become visible. They look like white sewing thread and there may be some drainage around the suture (suture abscess). Call the office for advice or use tweezers and small scissors to remove the suture, which will usually solve the problem.
Follow-up appointment
Usually, the stitches will dissolve on their own. Some children will have stitches that need to be removed in the doctor’s office. If your child has stitches that need to be removed, you will need to come to the office about two weeks after surgery.
All children need to come in for a follow-up appointment 3-4 weeks after surgery.
Please call 215 590-2208 to make these appointments.
Contact your surgical team with questions, concerns or if you child has:
Fever over 100.5°F (38°C)
Worsening redness near incision
Sudden swelling or deflation of the breast
Any drainage from incision
Sudden behavior change (irritable, nausea, vomiting, decrease in appetite)
Monday through Friday, 8 AM -5 PM
Evenings, weekends, and holiday, call 215-590-1000 and ask to speak with the plastic surgery resident or fellow on call
Reviewed December 2023 by Kelsey Reilly, CRNP