Sedation for Dental Procedures
These instructions are for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia patients receiving sedation for dental procedures.
Important information:
Your child is scheduled to have a dental procedure with sedation. This means that your child will be given medicine to relax. Learn more about pediatric sedation.
Instructions before sedation:
For your child's safety, it is very important to follow the feeding instructions exactly. If the instructions are not followed, your child's procedure will be canceled.
Stop all food at midnight the night before the procedure. This includes:
Clear fluids
Your child may drink clear fluids until 2 hours before your scheduled arrival time. Do not allow your child to drink anything after this time. Clear fluids are:
Apple juice
Clear juice drinks
Water ice
Ice pops
Clear broth
Tell your dentist if your child needs to take medicine after midnight on the day of the procedure. You will be told when and how to give the medicine so that your child's procedure will go on as scheduled.
Schedule and communication
You will receive a phone call the evening before your child's procedure. The nurse will tell you when to be at the hospital. For a Monday procedure, you will be called on Friday with the arrival time. If your child has a cold or is ill the day before this appointment, call the dentist.
Instructions for the procedure day:
A parent or legal guardian must bring the child to the hospital and stay in the dental clinic waiting area.
Please allow extra time for traffic and parking. Refer to the CHOP parking site for up-to-date information.
Please sign in and register at the Outpatient Registration Office on the 3rd floor of the main hospital building.
Arrange for childcare for your other children so that you can focus on the child having the procedure.
Bring a special toy, blanket, or other comfort object for your child.
Place your child's long hair in a ponytail. Remove all barrettes and hair clips.
If your child wears contact lenses, please bring a lens storage case and their glasses with you.
Do not eat or drink in front of your child.
Bring any referrals for the doctor, dentist or hospital with you on the day of the procedure.
Instructions after the procedure:
Contact your CHOP healthcare team with questions, concerns or if your child:
Seems too sleepy
Has temperature higher than 101°F
Has severe pain that does not improve with medicine
Has heavy bleeding that does not go away
Shows signs of infection like fever, pus or foul-smelling drainage
Call 215-590-1000 and ask for the dental resident on call. If you cannot reach the dentist, call your child's primary care provider.
Contact information
Reviewed on March 16, 2023, by Evlambia (Betty) Hajishengallis, DDS, MSc, PhD, DMD