Fat-controlled Diet
These instructions are for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) patients who are recommended to lower fat in their diet.
Instructions to lower fat in the diet:
Limit/avoid butter, margarine, and oil.
Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy.
Avoid fried foods. Grill, broil, bake, braise, steam, poach or microwave foods rather than frying them. Sauté with water or broth instead of oil.
Choose lean meats such as chicken or turkey breast without skin (other lean meats are listed below).
Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables.
Look for "low-fat", "nonfat", or "fat-free" on food labels.
"Fat-free": has less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.
"Low-fat": has 3 grams of fat or less per serving and not more than 30% calories from fat.
"Reduced-fat": has at least 25% less fat than reference food. These foods may still be high in fat if reference food is very high in fat. Check the food label for fat per serving.
When cooking, use nonstick cooking spray instead of butter or oil.
Use vegetables or whole grains to replace some of the meat content of burgers, meatloaf, and chili.
Use fat-free chicken broth or fat-free milk in mashed potatoes, soups, gravies and stews.
Try fat-free evaporated milk in creamy soups and casseroles instead of heavy cream.
Top your pies or line your tarts with phyllo dough instead of regular pastry.
Make oven-baked sliced potatoes instead of making or buying French fries.
Try these additional low-fat substitutions:
Instead of oil, try non-fat cooking spray.
Instead of butter, margarine, or gravy try herbs and spices, onion, garlic, low-fat milk.
Instead of creamy salad dressings, try lemon juice, vinegar or fat-free dressings.
Instead of 1 whole egg , try 2 egg whites or ¼ cup egg substitute.
Instead of fat in baking recipes, try equal amounts fruit puree (1 tablespoon oil in baking = 1 tablespoon applesauce) , soft tofu, or plain nonfat yogurt.
Instead of whipping or heavy cream, try evaporated skim milk.
Instead of nuts, try dried fruit.
Instead of croissants and pastries, try bagels, bread, or rolls.
Recommended foods and foods to avoid:
Recommended foods:
Whole grain or white bread, bagels, English muffins
Oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits, dry cereals without nuts or coconut
White or brown rice, barley or other grains
Spaghetti, macaroni or other pasta without egg yolks
Soda crackers, graham crackers, low-fat or fat-free crackers
Home-made pancakes or French toast prepared with minimal fat
Foods to avoid or limit:
Bread with cheese
Biscuits, muffins, scones, sweet rolls, doughnuts
Cereal with added nuts or coconut, granola
Fried rice
Egg noodles, ramen noodles
Crackers unless labeled low-fat or listed as recommended
Most pre-packaged or restaurant pancakes and waffles
Milk and milk alternative products
Recommended foods:
Skim or 1% milk or flavored milk
Nonfat or low-fat dairy products including yogurt, cottage cheese, buttermilk, evaporated milk, sour cream, ricotta cheese or cream cheese
Low-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt
Nonfat or low-fat cheese (less than or equal to 2 grams of fat per ounce)
Milk alternatives and products with less than 2.5 grams of fat per 8 ounces; almond, rice, and cashew
Foods to avoid or limit:
Whole or 2% milk
Whole or 2% fat dairy products including yogurt, ice cream, evaporated milk, sour cream, cream cheese, ricotta cheese or cottage cheese
Heavy cream, light cream or half & half
Cheese with more than 2 grams of fat per ounce
Milk alternatives and products with more than 2.5 grams of fat per 8 ounces; coconut, soy, oat, hemp, and pea
Meat, poultry, fish and meat alternatives (choose products with less than or equal to 5 grams of fat per 3 ounce serving)
Recommended foods:
Chicken and turkey breast/wing without skin
Lean cuts of beef, veal, venison or lamb such as round, sirloin, loin, shank, tenderloin and lightly marbled steaks if perimeter fat layer can be easily removed
Lean ham or pork tenderloin
90%-98% lean ground meats
Nonfat deli meats
Low-fat or fat-free hot dogs
Flounder, sole, cod, red snapper, bass, perch and halibut
Fish canned in water
Egg whites or low-fat egg substitutes
Reduced-fat peanut butter or nut butters (limit to 1 Tablespoon)
Beans, legumes, soy products (example: tofu)
Foods to avoid or limit:
Chicken and turkey with skin
Chicken and turkey thighs or drumsticks
Duck or goose
Heavily marbled meats, organ meats, ribs, corned beef
Ground meats less than 90% lean
Regular lunch meats, sausage, hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni
Fish canned in oil
Whole eggs, egg yolks
Regular peanut butter and other nut butters
Peanuts and tree nuts (unless limited to 1 Tablespoon)
Recommended foods:
Foods to avoid or limit:
Recommended foods:
Foods to avoid or limit:
Snacks/sweets (in moderation)
Recommended foods:
Popcorn (without butter)
Nonfat pudding
Sorbet or fruit ice
Angel food cake
Hard candy
Low-fat whipped topping
Recommended foods:
Foods to avoid or limit:
Salad dressings (with more than 3 grams of fat per serving)
Dips (unless labeled nonfat)
Mayonnaise (unless labeled nonfat)
Tartar sauce
Cooking oils (unless otherwise recommended)
Reviewed on July 1, 2023, by Rachel Dragon, RD